And these Indians were a found people?
inquired the Captain.
video / 2010

with Anders Grønlien

This video is composed of visual elements produced for a Glassbox residency at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) in March 2010.
Several common formats are produced that depict a nonexistent event—a spaceship crashing on the CIUP—such as an amateur video on YouTube, a 3D animation on Google Earth, a B movie style excerpt using a special effects model of the spaceship, and artistic photo portraits that depict the aftermath of the crash. The more images that depict the crash, the more its veracity is questioned.

If you want to see the amateur video on YouTube:
"UFO or Shooting Star? above C.I.U.P."

AA# Acteurs Autonomes, Glassbox
Théâtre de la Cité Internationale,
Paris, France

HD, Color, 8'02

Click on the image below to see portraits of the curators